Hi friends!
Welcome to a Palms of Joy "pause week!" We are going to take a week in between each series to remember to pause, and/or discuss something light. So, kick back and relax!
Our topic this week is book recommendations!
If you're a reader, I've shared a few links to books I've read this year, as well as links to ones I'm looking forward to reading. However, the point of this post is to hear from YOU! What are the books on your reading list?
Here are the links to the ones on mine:
Please feel free to comment, email or message me any of the books on YOUR reading list! I love hearing from you!
Next week we are kicking off a new theme called Stories of Summer. I can't wait to share what's in store! Have a great week!
Tattoos on the heart!!!
Pope Joan, in German "Die Paepstin"
Ken Follett "Pillars of the Earth"
Konsalik "Das geschenkte Gesicht"
Shauna Niequist "Present over perfect"
Love Does by Bob Goff :)