What does success look like in your current season?
My sweet friend asked me this question recently, and I’m so grateful she did.
I don’t know about you, but I can easily create plans with tunnel vision. I forget to look in the mirror, and more importantly, I forget to go to God first when I dream about my version of a successful life.
God has used pregnancy, in many ways, to reshape how I view success.
Take the gym for example – my version of success at 9 months pregnant probably mirrors that of an 80-year-old, but consider the season! If I were to physically charge ahead, pushing myself to limits that aren’t meant for me, I could potentially injure myself or the baby. That doesn’t seem like a success.
Here’s my point – we will have seasons in life that require us to seize opportunities and push our limits. We will also have seasons that require us to modify and appreciate a slower pace. Both are a success when we follow God’s lead!
No matter where you are, what does success look like in your current season?